is the festival of theatre for the new generations

Edizione 2023

Artegna Tarcento Gemona e Nimis
from Saturday 7th to Sunday 15th October 2023

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Our projects!

Trallallero is a system dedicated to the entire community.

It is an international professional artistic center.

Trallallero responds to an imaginary, that of children, which is not cataloged and colonized by rigid classification categories.

The focus of the festival is theater, but a theater necessarily and naturally hybridized by the contact and inclusion of the different languages of the disciplines of live performance: dance, music, puppetry, video installations, literature ...


Trallallero does not end in the ten days of the festival's programming, but aims to be a constant professional artistic garrison of international level for the territory, through training courses and artistic contests offered to schools and families.

Trallallero takes care of the artistic and relational needs of children and young people.

Art and culture are privileged tools to allow children and young people to elaborate and express their feelings.

Trallallero offers spaces that mix sociality and artistic experiences, thanks to several partners for 2023/24: Aracon social coop. and Fondazione Pietro Pittini .

If you are interested click here to find out what we do, or contact us by phone, mail, whatsapp and social networks.


Trallallero is not only a festival.

From June 2023 to March 2024 shows for families and schools, and workshops for kids, teenagers and adults (teachers, educators...) at school and not only

Accanto alle proposte di Teatro al Quadrato, il festival 2023 le attività di Spicelapis and Kaleidoscienza and then the Sunday's families shows in partnership with Amici del Teatro at Teatro Lavaroni in Artegna

Fino al 13 ottobre sarà attivo il contest creativo 2023 (scarica e leggi tutte le info) aperto a scuole e singoli partecipanti con in palio premi di “incentivo teatrale” con buoni ingresso omaggio a teatro e letture scolastiche. Vuoi già iniziare? Bene, questa è l’immagine da scaricare ed elaborare, creata da Chiara Signorini Gremigni. Titolo: Like an acrobat on the water ("Come un acrobata sull'acqua" from poetry I Fiumi of G. Ungaretti)

an then Trallallero's 2023 exhibitions

Ma non vi sveliamo tutto e subito…


Teatro al Quadrato works to support artists under 35, with specific mentoring and tutoring paths for the enhancement and internationalization of the careers of young Italian artists.

Attraverso gli incontri di CRITICARE AD ARTE: progetto di osservatorio critico. Metodologie e strumenti per imparare a criticare in modo produttivo, curato dal team di the MateâriuM team and professionals observers for a structured and constructive confrontation with the selected companies.

A Criticare ad Arte 2023 saranno coinvolti gli spettacoli di: Teatro di Carta (Civitavecchia), Bottega Buffa Circovacanti (Trento) e Compagnia Arione De Falco (Milano).

Inoltre dal 20 al 23 agosto 2023, una selezione di giovani artisti avrà modo di partecipare al progetto BLOOMING (scoprilo!) un percorso di workshop condotti da Bruno Cappagli (La Baracca) e Angelo Facchetti e Gessica Carbone (Teatro Telaio). Tutto questo lo realizziamo anche grazie all’appoggio di Servi di Scena that will host us at Mulino Nicli in Rive d'Arcano.

Sei interessato a prendere parte a questi workshop? Allora scrivici a


An in international networking project to develop relationships in theatre for young audience Chain Reaction is created and developped by: Segni/New Generations Festival (Mantova), Visioni di futuro Visioni di teatro (Bologna), Kids (Lecce), Teatro fra le Generazioni (Castelfiorentino) I Teatri del Mondo (Porto Sant'Elpidio) and our Trallallero, with Assitej Italia partnership.

A Chain Reaction project will be our constructive critical look Criticare ad ArteAnd then: Italia chiama 0-3, Pasta Madre and Tandem Visiting.

Chain Reaction offer: Visiting to international festivals; Dialogues online meetings dedicated to TYA systems in different countries; Mobility Grants support for immersive workshop and exchange experiences for under 35

The most important events in 2023 will be theAssitej Interntational Artistic Gathering in Beograd (November), and Le Totem Festival in Avignon (July).

Substeined by Italian Ministry of Culture
